Dr. Alexander provides painless root canal treatments in Jacksonville, FL as part of our general dentistry services. No one wants to lose a tooth. Once you lose a tooth, the replacement methods are often stressful and expensive. We know that a root canal treatment may be a scary diagnosis for some patients.
The term “root canal” refers to the natural cavity at the tooth’s center. Soft tissue and nerves are inside the root canal. Damage to the tooth can cause bacteria or debris to enter this area and cause irritation and infection. In extreme cases, it can cause an abscess.
An abscessed tooth is a serious issue that should be addressed immediately. The infection can spread to other parts of the body. If you believe you have an abscessed tooth, contact our office immediately to schedule emergency dental care.
All About the Root Canal Procedure
A root canal procedure is an endodontic treatment that removes the infected inner tooth pulp and repairs the tooth. Root canal decay can be extremely painful. The bacteria in the tooth infection could eventually spread to your bloodstream, causing systemic health concerns. It is best to always seek the help of a professional dentist as soon as possible to prevent severe issues. One of the key components of overall good health is your oral health.
The root canal treatment is a routine procedure that Dr. Alexander can provide in the comfort of our Jacksonville dental office. Root canal therapy usually requires two to three visits. First, Dr. Alexander will take digital x-rays to analyze the tooth and root canal infection. He will also look for signs of infection in surrounding areas. He may administer anesthesia to numb the area and help you relax.
Dr. Alexander will then drill a tiny hole into your tooth to access the infected pulp chamber. Then, he will remove the damaged, inflamed, and diseased dental pulp to leave your tooth hollow and infection-free. He will then thoroughly clean and polish the tooth.
Next, he will fill the hollow tooth with a biocompatible rubber compound called gutta-percha. If necessary, Dr. Alexander may place a restorative dental crown on the repaired tooth for added structural support.
Treating tooth decay and root canal infections as soon as you notice signs can help Dr. Alexander maintain the integrity of your natural smile. Every patient prefers conservative dental care over losing their teeth. However, if untreated for a long time, Dr. Alexander may need to extract your tooth. Regular visits to Alexander Dentistry can help diagnose tooth decay and infections early to avoid costly treatments.
The Misconception of Root Canals
If you hear the phrase root canal, you probably cringe and think of a painful procedure. Root canals have an unearned reputation for being painful. Popular culture portrays root canals as this gruesome, horrifying procedure. Patients writhe in pain, terrified while the dentist is working on their teeth. This sticks in our minds because of how often we see this. It becomes ingrained in our brains because of how often we see this portrayal pan out.
However, this isn’t the case. Typically, a root canal is no more painful than a dental filling. And just like with other procedures, we use a local anesthetic to numb the entire area before we perform a root canal. You should only feel occasional pressure while we’re working on your tooth.
Most of the pain associated with a root canal comes from the infection itself. When the dental pulp is infected, it swells and becomes inflamed. The dental pulp doesn’t have anywhere to go when it swells up. You experience pressure and pain because the inflamed tissue is trying to find more room to expand. Many people feel relief when they get a root canal. You no longer have pressure and pain because the infection is cleared out.
Many patients aren’t familiar with what the treatment entails, enhancing fear. Our office strives to provide patients with a thorough education about root canals. The procedure is longer than dental feelings and other treatments because we have to clean and sanitize the inside of the tooth. But this doesn’t mean that it’s more painful. We’ll talk you through the process and tell you exactly what you can expect from a root canal procedure.
Root Canal FAQs
There are many misconceptions about root canals. Read the answers to these frequently asked questions to learn more.
Is a root canal procedure painful?
No. While root canals have a painful reputation, the pain is from the infection, not the procedure. Many patients experience instant pain relief after the root canal procedure. We ensure you are completely comfortable and relaxed during your dental procedure. We can also offer you conscious dental sedation options to help alleviate your anxiety.
Is a dental crown necessary after a root canal?
The answer depends on which tooth requires treatment. You will need a dental crown to protect your tooth, whether your molars or premolars. Front teeth, canines, and incisors do not need a dental crown after a root canal. However, a dentist can cap a tooth using a dental crown in severe cavities.
Will dental insurance cover a root canal procedure?
Yes. Many dental insurance providers cover part of the cost of this restorative dental procedure. It is very unlikely that your provider does not cover at least part of the treatment to save your tooth. Most dental insurance providers consider a root canal a major dental service and may cover part of the cost. Contact your dental insurance provider for specific details.
How can I prepare for a root canal?
Avoid tobacco and alcohol for 24 hours before your appointment. Both can slow the healing process and increase your chances of complications. Eat before the procedure, but avoid eating or drinking for an hour before the procedure. Ensure you brush and floss your teeth right before. Your mouth may be numb for a while after the procedure, which will make it difficult to eat. Wear comfortable clothes, and ensure you’re rested and calm when entering the office.
Can it be too late for a root canal?
Yes. If you wait and ignore the pain and infection for too long, we may be unable to save the tooth. When the deepest layers of your tooth are infected, or if too much of the tooth has to be removed, we’ll need to extract the tooth instead. This is why we recommend calling your dentist when you notice an issue.
Should I take painkillers before my root canal appointment?
No, we don’t advise taking over-the-counter painkillers before the appointment. Only take your normal daily medications. Painkillers can mask the pain we’re trying to treat with a root canal. It can impact our ability to diagnose your condition.
Schedule A Dental Exam Today
Our dentist in Jacksonville, FL is here to make your experience as smooth as possible. Dr. Alexander will take the time to conduct a thorough oral health exam and will listen to your concerns. Schedule a consultation to determine what dental restoration can best restore your smile’s comfort, function, and beauty. We can offer quality dental care in a compassionate and welcoming setting.